Be Connected Program


Be Connected is a free Australian Government program to help seniors aged 50+ get the most out of going online, improve their digital literacy and gain great confidence.  Whitsunday Regional Libraries has received grant funding from Good Things Foundation Australia to run this free program in the Bowen Library up until 30 June 2024.

The program consists of several 1 hour sessions where you will be registered on the Be Connected Learning Site, undertake a digital skills checker survey to gain a better understanding of your technology skills and what your top 3 learning goals are.   As a result a list of courses and activities will be suggested that you can then work through at your own pace either in the library or at home.  Topics include The essentials, Get to know your device, Getting started online, Safety first and Connecting with others.

If you are interested in being a part of this program or would like more information please contact the Bowen Library on 4761 3670.